Sefflera care tips!


Η Seflera is a perennial, evergreen indoor plant and is native to Malaysia. It has relatively slow growth but as it grows it takes the form of a tree and can reach a height of over 5 meters in the right conditions. Its leaves are compound, have the shape of the palm and each one consists of 7-9 leaflets with a length of 9-20 cm and a width of 4-10 cm.

Let's see some secrets – tips for proper care!

- It needs enough light to grow but not direct light. Especially during the hot seasons, it should not be seen in direct sunlight through windows (which raise the temperature of the sun even more) or on your balcony because its leaves will burn.

- Watering should be done according to its size. The larger the plant, the more water it needs, but be careful not to wet the soil when watering again. In winter we moderate the watering since the plant will not be in a period of growth.

- Also, when watering, make sure that the pot has good drainage but also that there is no water left on its saucer.


- Although it is resistant to drought, it needs the humidity of the environment, so make sure that the space in which it is located has the necessary humidity. If your plant is on the balcony, spray its leaves as often as you can, but in summer make sure the sun does not see the wet leaves because it will burn them.

- It is good to clean the leaves of the safari as often as possible with a soft cloth dampened with lukewarm water to remove dust and make it easier for the leaves to breathe.

- It can be lubricated in all seasons once a month, either in liquid or solid form. In case we have the safflower outdoors, we reduce the frequency of lubrication in winter and summer. Also, add a little iron to avoid yellowing of the leaves and keep them green.

- It will need transplanting a few years later when the plant has grown and become stronger. The suitable soil for transplanting is the general purpose in combination with some clay texture.


- Pruning is more like pruning since the tops of the shoots are essentially cut to grow the lateral shoots and the plant acquires a more compact and uniform growth. At the base of the plant, next to the central trunk, branches usually grow. These branches should be removed to ensure better ventilation at the base of the plant, which will promote proper growth.

- If there are yellow leaves on the plant, you must remove them so that your plant does not waste valuable energy and turn the pot every time you water so that your plant does not "tilt" to the side where the light comes from.

- The enemies of seflera can be aphids and granules, as shown in the two photos below, which are treated with the use of appropriate preparations that can be found in agricultural stores.


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