6 secrets for the perfect Fiko Benjamin!


The most frequent and most common indoor plant, with equally good growth on the terrace. THE Benjamin fig is a plant with rich, glossy, green, thin oval foliage, and tree-like growth. It belongs to the figs and specifically to the family Moreida. It is a tropical plant and comes from Malaysia. We will meet him in entrances and living rooms of houses, in offices and business premises.

  • Where is the best place to place our fig?

Benjamin figs need enough light to grow properly with lush foliage. Choose a bright spot near a window, but not directly visible to the sun, as it can cause the leaves to burn, especially on hot summer days. The plant usually tilts its hair towards the side where the light is coming, so turn the pot from time to time so that your plant does not warp. It is also sensitive to very low winter temperatures and can cause extensive foliage. Finally, it does not react well to changes in lighting conditions and position in general.

  • What is the correct watering?

We plant it in soil that contains peat and perlite to ensure good drainage. Generally, we water the plant as soon as the soil in which it is planted dries. When outdoors, it needs frequent watering 2-3 times a week, especially during the hot summer months. If the fig is in a pot in your house, it needs watering once a week, while you will need to wet its foliage often to prevent drying of the edges of the leaves.

  • How often should I oil the fig tree?

Benjamin figs need fertilization every two weeks in spring and autumn, and once a month for the rest of the year to maintain their glossy green foliage. Use fertilizer in solid or liquid form always according to the instructions of the preparation. To maintain its rich green foliage it should still be lubricated with iron, choose a formulation in liquid form for immediate results. The abrupt yellowing of its leaves is due to the watering that we may have neglected or the lack of iron.

  • Does it need pruning?

The benjamin fig produces new leaves and thin branches in the spring. You can prune it by removing dead branches and remove all yellow leaves to encourage the growth of new green growth. If you want you can limit its height by pruning its top, so the plant grows more on the lower branches and becomes more tufted.

  • What insects and diseases does it suffer from?

Benjamin figs are resistant to most diseases but this is not the case with granules. Granules are insects that are found as a lump at the bottom of the leaves or on the branches and trunk of the plant. They are brown, green or white in color and usually secrete a sticky substance to the leaves of the infected plant.

Watch out for these insects. They can be treated effectively if detected at first but take action immediately because they spread with incredible speed not only to the plant itself but also to neighboring plants and are capable of destroying the plant they have infected. To treat them, spray using a granule control agent always according to the instructions. As a precaution, spray the neighboring plants because it easily infects most plants and is capable of destroying them.

  • Be careful if,

1. your plant changes position to wait for some leaves to turn yellow where they will fall, do not be afraid it will be temporary until it acclimatizes to the new environment.

2. your plant is on the terrace and has low temperatures choose to cover with a bag, do not forget to open holes to ventilate the plant. Failure to protect it may result in freezing and damage.

• Tips for growing plants
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