Fuchsia or earring, an ornament in your garden!


Description of the plant

Η Earrings belongs to deciduous ornamental shrubs. Fuchsia is also known as earring because of its flowers, which look like dangling earrings. It is a good choice for planting on the balcony, the roof or the yard.

With proper pruning, the earring can also be shaped into a small tree. The height depends on the variety and can reach from 60 cm to 2 m.

Its flowers consist of sepals and petals. The sepals are fuchsia or red and the petals pink, white or purple. It has a long flowering period from spring to autumn and in warm areas even until the beginning of winter.

Plant care

Fuchsia is a special plant also in terms of its cultivation. To grow well, it needs soils that are fertile and moist but with good drainage. In the summer it should be watered frequently. In order to achieve lasting and rich flowering, it is good to strengthen it regularly from spring to the end of summer.

It is usually planted in pots so that in the summer it is protected from the midday sun and wind and in the winter from low temperatures. Fuchsia freezes at 0°C. It is good to be pruned very strictly, at the surface of the soil and covered with soil so that it can regenerate.



Pruning in fuchsia results in the production of more shoots and increased flowering. Fuchsia flowers appear every year on the new shoots. Therefore, the more shoots grow, the richer the flowering. Pruning is done in early spring, as soon as the risk of frost has passed and the shoots are cut strictly, at a distance of 10 cm from the ground.


The fuchsia can be propagated by seed in early spring, but is usually propagated by cuttings. The cuttings are also cut in early spring, before flowering and after being immersed in the rooting hormone are planted in pots with sand and peat. In order for the rooting to succeed, watering must be frequent but not excessive.

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