Gaura, a plant that will loosen your hands


Η Gaura is a perennial, evergreen, poa, with an elegant and airy flower in various colors (red, pink and white), which resembles a butterfly. Its foliage is dense and when it blooms due to its abundance of flowers it is amazing. Its flowering is from mid-spring to mid-autumn.


Plant care


It grows satisfactorily in all types of soils, without particular problems. Prerequisite for the soil to be well drained and neutral pH. Prefers places with sun or moderate shade. In sunny places it grows better and produces more flowers.


The utensil is drought resistant, so water only when the soil is dry.


To achieve high flowering production, fertilize your plants regularly using a water-soluble fertilizer or a slow-release granular fertilizer. The slow-release granular fertilizer is added to the soil at planting, following the dosage recommendations listed on the package.

Plants grown in pots and planters may need more frequent fertilization to look better. Apply the fertilizer during the spring and summer period (once a month). You can use either the granular fertilizer by spreading it on the ground between the plants and then watering well or by dissolving the water-soluble fertilizer in the watering can.


We need to remove the withered flowers to maintain their vitality and have a prolonged flowering. During the summer, when the first flowering is complete, we top (cut the edge of the shoots between the flowers) the pot to encourage new vegetation, and create denser plants with rich flowering.

Plant use

Usually, it is planted in clusters for a strong effect or even alone to give color. Because this plant grows enough it will give a very nice result in your garden.

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