6 techniques to always have an impressive lawn!


1. Lawn lubrication

In the spring the lawn needs fertilizer that will help it grow. Complete fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are suitable. In case the lawn is in poor soil, it is good to include iron sulfate (around 5 grams per sq.m.). In the trade you will find inorganic and organic fertilizers, some of which are recommended exclusively for the lawn. For weak lawns, inorganic fertilization is preferred, which will give fast results, while if the condition of the lawn is satisfactory, a mixture of inorganic and organic will give the best results.

-Fertilizer application

Spring fertilizer is applied in early spring. The lawn should be dry but the soil moist. If it does not rain, we should water after two days, while in times of drought we water immediately. It should also not fall too much compost and a little elsewhere, but it should be as uniform as possible. If too much compost falls on some part of the lawn it can be damaged. If spraying the fertilizer by hand, mix it with sand and sprinkle half the amount in one direction and the other half crosswise. This will help you a lot in the even distribution of the amount of fertilizer. Finally, whatever fertilizer you use, follow the manufacturer's instructions and do not forget that larger than recommended amounts can burn the lawn.


2. Watering the lawn

If at this time your lawn has lost its flexibility and gloss or has started to turn yellow, then most likely it needs watering. The best times to water are early in the morning or late in the afternoon, when the sun does not emit much heat. Watering at noon can damage and not favor the lawn and in addition wastes water. Each lawn, depending on its species and the soil in which it is located, needs different amounts of water each season.

3. Mowing the lawn

A basic principle is that a lawn should not be cut to a height of more than 5 cm because live plants grow at the expense of others, nor less than 0,5 cm because it weakens, or does not give new shoots. In the spring the cutting height should be adjusted to 1 - 4 cm. This cutting height makes the lawn less vulnerable to weeds and moss. From the end of spring until the beginning of autumn, the decorative lawns are cut to 1 - 1,5 cm, the lawns that are pressed to 2,5 - 3 cm, while the lawns in playgrounds to 4 - 5 cm. mow when the lawn is dry and never immediately after watering, because then it is infested with fungi. Always mow along the line of the previous cut and having programmed the cutting direction to reduce double passes.


4. Weed control

Regular mowing and removal of cutting debris, careful use of watering and lubrication, will make the installation of unwanted weeds difficult. If the existing weeds are few, you can get rid of them by uprooting them. Spring is the right time, because the lawn is growing fast and will fill the gaps. In case the weeds are many and the uprooting is not practical, selective herbicides can be used. These can be applied from spring to late summer with warm weather, when the soil is moist and the vegetation lively. The best time to apply them is two weeks after spring fertilization.

When using them, for successful spraying you should: a) not to blow, b) not to have rain immediately after or the next 1-2 days, c) the lawn to be of moderate height (not immediately before, nor immediately after mowing) and to have no residue, d) to do not use the herbicide, in greater than the recommended ratio and e) take the necessary precautions during their application, glasses, mask, gloves.

The advice of the agronomist is necessary as to whether and when weed control should be done.

5. Lawn ventilation

Ventilation is one of the main tasks related to the maintenance and improvement of the lawn. It has been considered good to do even on a small scale, every year, usually in autumn or early spring, because this process has a positive effect on the rejuvenation of the grass, increasing its resistance to high summer temperatures and reducing watering. During the aeration process we create small openings (holes) in the ground, in many places on the lawn. Before aeration, the lawn is usually mowed, followed by watering. In several cases, after aeration, peat and sand can be dispersed to fill the gaps, and the soil must be renewed. We need to know that weed growth after this procedure is common and should be removed when they are still young. In cases where the area of ​​the lawn is small, the holes can be drilled with a garden fork. For larger areas there are various machines, manual or electric.


6. Rolling the lawn

In addition to the rolling that is done during the installation of the lawn, a light rolling must be done every spring, after the cold of winter. This is intended to settle the soils raised by the cold and to bring the roots into better contact with the soil. In many places the lawn needs additional sowing and peat supplementation.

Following all these steps is sure to enjoy your wonderful lawn !!!

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