Honeysuckle, with lemon aroma.!


The honeysuckle or Melissa officinalis, also known as bee or lemon balm, comes from the word "melissophyllon", which means "bee leaf", because thanks to the plant's high nectar content it is an ideal place for bees to look for food and for this reason is also considered a beekeeping plant. The honeysuckle was originally cultivated in Southern Europe, but today it is now known almost all over the world, while in our country it thrives on the slopes of several areas.

Plant description

It is a perennial, herbaceous, aromatic plant with an upright, tall, square stem, with branches. Its height ranges from 70 to 150 cm. The leaves have a mild lemon scent, resembling that of mint. The leaves are ovate, toothed and have a light green color. During the summer, small white flowers full of nectar appear. The white flowers attract the bees, hence the name of the genus "Melissa".



Honeysuckle smells like lemon, contains volatile oils (known for their relaxing properties), polyphenols, tannins and flavonoids, while its action is based mainly on the essential oils contained in its composition, citronellal (24%), geranial (16%), linalyl acetate (12%) and caryophyllene (12%).

Plant harvest

The leaves can be collected 2-3 times a year from June to September. We collect them by cutting the young shoots, when they reach a length of about 30 cm. Dry them in the shade, at a temperature that does not exceed 35 οC. It should be pruned strictly in early autumn to give new vegetation.


Uses of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is used for drinks, hot or cold, mainly in combination with other herbs, such as mint, mint and marjoram. Known for its anxiolytic and mild sedative action, honeysuckle improves mood and mental performance, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, while stimulating the heart and circulatory system. At the same time, honeysuckle is often used as a flavoring in ice creams. In cooking, fresh leaves of honeysuckle are used chopped in salads, marinades, pesto and fish dishes.

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